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meet the bustard family!

Bustards make up the family Otididae. The origin of the word, ‘bustard’, comes from the Latin word, ‘Avis’ meaning ‘bird’and a Spanish word, ‘tarda’ which is now no longer used. ‘Tarda’ means to be slow. This is how these birds were perceived because they are large and
heavy and hence walk slowly and also fly slowly compared to most bird species.Sometimes names that owe their origin to language can mislead us, as not all species of bustards are slow. This name was first given in Europe to refer to the great bustard.

Bustards are medium to large birds weighing between 500 gm. and 22 kg. All bustard species are thick-set and heavily built
birds. They range in length from 40cm. to 150 cm. They have small heads,long thick necks and short tails. Bustards
have long legs with three front-facing toes which help them to run fast. They often forage while walking and attempt to
escape predators by running, crouching or freezing.

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